Rabu, April 11, 2001

It was already late. The people that I carpooled with made several pitstops. By the time we reached Api-api, cars had been lining along the road for several kilometers. I saw people walking toward a certain destination where the gathering was held. Tonight, Fadzil Noor (PAS President) came to Api-api Pontian. We parked the car and started walking with the crowd. From faraway I saw, "Ceramah PAS -30km.." (PAS speech) 30Km? I didn't think I could manage to walk that far. Approaching the sign, I read "Ceramah PAS- 30km/j) It was only a warning sign for cars to slow down to 30 km/h as there were so many people. Thank goodness. Nevertheless, another reason to buy new glasses. We just walked for 1 km and got a good seat among the crowd of about 10 000 people.

Selasa, April 10, 2001

I got a new boss. I saw him report for duty this afternoon. We shake-hands and I congratulated him for the post. He said, "we gonna meet" this thursday. I see more works are coming my way.

Sabtu, April 07, 2001

My sight isn't clear. Time for new glasses. The current glasses are of ala-Clark-Kent look. This time I need something more conservative and executive design.

Rabu, April 04, 2001

All my works take a rest for a while. This will gimme more time to focus on my core business i.e. updating the website of my oraganization. If I don't do this, nobody will. People keep on complaining but they never contribute.


Untuk Otternest MTB Jambori, Akak Kau tidak ikut. Dia baru sahaja menerima suntikan di lutut. Dia tidak boleh terlalu lasak.   Otternest Cam...