We have book sales all day long and on the stage we got writers' sharing session.
11 September 2015. Friday
10.00 Lejen Press
10.30 Lejen Press
11.00 Legasi Oakheart
11.30 Studio Anai-anai
12.00 Inzik
12.30 Friday Prayer
01.00 Friday Prayer
01.30 Friday Prayer
02.30 Comicore Club
03.00 Comicore Club
03.30 GLKN
04.00 CULT
04.30 Soljah
05.00 FIXI
05.30 Buku Semalam
06.00 Selut
06.30 Selut
08.00 Fazleena and The Lasykar
08.30 Fazleena and The Lasykar
09.00 Fazleena and The Lasykar
10.00 Meeting Adjourned
*Raihan Performs in The Black Box at MAP 3-6pm
*Maskara Shorties curated by Rumah Anak Teater at the Festival Village 50m away. 8-10pm
12 September 2015. Saturday
10.00 Terfaktab Media
10.30 Terfaktab Media
11.00 Merpati Jingga
11.30 Merpati Jingga
12.00 Rabak Lit
12.30 Kidal
01.00 Dubook
01.30 Dubook
02.00 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - Malay
02.30 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - Malay
03.00 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - Tamil
03.30 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - Tamil
04.00 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - English
04.30 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - English
05.00 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - Chinese
05.30 Singapore Literature Prize Talk - Chinese
06.00 Forum Penutup: BUKU: SENI ATAU INDUSTRI?
Moderator: Ahmad Fadhil Mohamad Pakarul (GLKN)
Malaysia Rep: Azalan Hussain (Sindiket Sol-jah), Aloy Paradoks (Selut Press)
Singapore Rep: Yazid Hussein, Mohd Pitchay Gani Mohd Abdul Aziz
06.30 Forum Penutup
08.00 Najwa Mahiaddin Free Concert at the festival village.
08.30 Najwa Mahiaddin Free Concert
09.00 Najwa Mahiaddin Free Concert
09.30 Najwa Mahiaddin Free Concert
10.00 Meeting Adjourned
*Najwa performs at the Festival Village 50m away. 8-10pm
Black Box Medini Mall. 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 12 Sept 2015, Saturday
In this workshop participants will learn how to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas through poetry using multiple techniques. They will write their own original poems and share their works in a fun, encouraging and gently supervised by academicians from UTM Language Academy.
(A graduate from Wellesley College, Massachusetts, USA with a degree in English and creative writing. She is currently a visiting scholar at UTM Language Academy)
'ATIQAH BINTI SHAHARUDDIN http://languageacademy.utm.my/atiqah/
NUR ' AIN BINTI MOHD SHAHROOM http://languageacademy.utm.my/nurainms/
Black Box Medini Mall. 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 12 Sept 2015, Saturday
In this workshop participants will learn how to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas through poetry using multiple techniques. They will write their own original poems and share their works in a fun, encouraging and gently supervised by academicians from UTM Language Academy.
(A graduate from Wellesley College, Massachusetts, USA with a degree in English and creative writing. She is currently a visiting scholar at UTM Language Academy)
'ATIQAH BINTI SHAHARUDDIN http://languageacademy.utm.my/atiqah/
NUR ' AIN BINTI MOHD SHAHROOM http://languageacademy.utm.my/nurainms/
Fahd Razy (Moderator)
Fahd Razy atau Ahmad Fadhlil Mohamad Pakarul-Razy, pegawai perubatan sepenuh masa. Penulis tak tentu masa. Antara bukunya termasuk 'Ikan dalam Jiwa', 'Kota Subuh', 'Menggeledah Nurani,' dan 'Pascasejarah'. Pernah memenangi lebih 20 hadiah dan anugerah sastera.
Lan Hussain aka Sinaganaga (Sindiket Sol-jah)
Lan Hussain atau Sinaganaga adalah Jenderal di Sindiket Sol-Jah, The Brain di Studio Anai Anai, dan Penyelaras Penerbitan di ITBM. Sebelah kakinya di dalam penerbitan arus perdana dan sebelah lagi kakinya di dalam penerbitan indie.
Aloy Paradoks (Selut Press)Berusia 31 tahun, telah menulis sejumlah skrip teater dan beberapa buah buku fiksyen. Dalam masa yang sama turut aktif berlakon dan mengarah teater di Kuala Lumpur. Pemilik beberapa buah syarikat penerbitan iaitu SeLUT Press, Sang Freud Press dan Selutbooks.com. Beliau juga merupakan pemilik Paradoks Production dan juga Lembaga Pengarah untuk syarikat tanpa keuntungan Eksotikata Event Management.
Hassan Hasaa’ree Ali (SGP)A nurse by day, the author began his foray into writing with his short story entry, Amnesia, which won the National Arts Council (NAC) Golden Point Award in 2007. He has gone on to win more competitions in the following years such as the Sayembara Noktah Putih in 2011.
Hassan Hasaa’ree Ali (SGP)A nurse by day, the author began his foray into writing with his short story entry, Amnesia, which won the National Arts Council (NAC) Golden Point Award in 2007. He has gone on to win more competitions in the following years such as the Sayembara Noktah Putih in 2011.
Ahmad Md Tahir (SGP)A laboratory analyst by day, the author started writing in 1984 and is a founding member of Kumpulan Angkatan Muda Sastera (KAMUS).