Rabu, April 15, 2020
Selasa, April 14, 2020
Vol 1:
23 Mar
Wak Kang - Organic Garden
Lily Cartina-Poetry
Jihan - Mandala Drawing
Botak Harizal - Covid19
Caki - Gitar Jam
Ali Surabaya - Sastera
24 Mar
Sidang Kopi - Cheesscake
Nia - Girl Talk
Wak Kan - Cardiovascular Exercise
Garam - Comedy
Ngerfan & Jihan - Musicians
Tok Rimau - Book-making
25 Mar
Wak Kang - Ferment Vege
Seakan Bintang - Music
Cabi - Health
Botak Harizal - Covid19
Bogdana Dima - Romania, Piano
Arshad Adam & Sein Faattah
26 Mar
Gobi - Recipe, Kim Haus
Wak Kang - Micro Green
Tok Rimau - Hiking 101
Jacelyn - Italy, Pianist
Sarah Dominica- Human Jukebox
Vol 2:
5 Apr
Fami Embrace
Bue Hasnul - Street Theatre
Sean - Dance
Bogdana Dima - Music
Jarr - Scary Stories
6 Apr
Wak Kang - Tempe making
Lily - Poems
Alexandro - Rome, Pasta Recipe
Fazleena - Artist Journey
Jacelyn - Music
Surni Fizul & Dahi- Poetry
7 Apr
John Barber - Barber
Nabihah- Pineapple Paper
Naz Plague - Band Management
Sarah - Human Jukebox
Vol 3:
12 Apr
Keyin Tay - Sax
Lincoln Lee - Yoga
Rock n Roll Caravan - Azabaijan
Amirul Asyraf - Classic Guitar
Jarr-Scary Stories
13 Apr
Ash - Murked Band
Fraha Beja - Active Lifestyle in the Citu
Amir Shahlan - Self Discovery Docu
Ngerfan - Guitar setting
Along - Zip Zipler
Ali Surabaya - Puisi
14 Apr
Ashlop - Barber
Mean Mijer - Food Business
Jaie - computer sketch
Faii - Band
Alli G - Cambodia, Travelog Himalaya
Christabel Annora - Indo, Pianist
Vol 4:
18 Apr
19 Apr
20 Apr
21 Apr
22 Apt
23 Mar
Wak Kang - Organic Garden
Lily Cartina-Poetry
Jihan - Mandala Drawing
Botak Harizal - Covid19
Caki - Gitar Jam
Ali Surabaya - Sastera
24 Mar
Sidang Kopi - Cheesscake
Nia - Girl Talk
Wak Kan - Cardiovascular Exercise
Garam - Comedy
Ngerfan & Jihan - Musicians
Tok Rimau - Book-making
25 Mar
Wak Kang - Ferment Vege
Seakan Bintang - Music
Cabi - Health
Botak Harizal - Covid19
Bogdana Dima - Romania, Piano
Arshad Adam & Sein Faattah
26 Mar
Gobi - Recipe, Kim Haus
Wak Kang - Micro Green
Tok Rimau - Hiking 101
Jacelyn - Italy, Pianist
Sarah Dominica- Human Jukebox
Vol 2:
5 Apr
Fami Embrace
Bue Hasnul - Street Theatre
Sean - Dance
Bogdana Dima - Music
Jarr - Scary Stories
6 Apr
Wak Kang - Tempe making
Lily - Poems
Alexandro - Rome, Pasta Recipe
Fazleena - Artist Journey
Jacelyn - Music
Surni Fizul & Dahi- Poetry
7 Apr
John Barber - Barber
Nabihah- Pineapple Paper
Naz Plague - Band Management
Sarah - Human Jukebox
Vol 3:
12 Apr
Keyin Tay - Sax
Lincoln Lee - Yoga
Rock n Roll Caravan - Azabaijan
Amirul Asyraf - Classic Guitar
Jarr-Scary Stories
13 Apr
Ash - Murked Band
Fraha Beja - Active Lifestyle in the Citu
Amir Shahlan - Self Discovery Docu
Ngerfan - Guitar setting
Along - Zip Zipler
Ali Surabaya - Puisi
14 Apr
Ashlop - Barber
Mean Mijer - Food Business
Jaie - computer sketch
Faii - Band
Alli G - Cambodia, Travelog Himalaya
Christabel Annora - Indo, Pianist
Vol 4:
18 Apr
19 Apr
20 Apr
21 Apr
22 Apt
Managing Online Stage
Tugas talent caster merangkap stage manager untuk Terang Online Festival tak semudah yang disangka. Kalau mudah, dah ramai buat.
Mula-mula kena approach talent. Kalau nasib baik, mereka setuju. Kalau nasib tak baik, mereka banyak cikadak, minta surat jemputan rasmi, minta sign kontrak, cerewet dengan waktu siaran, dan being diva. Sebenarnya, inilah cara yang professional tapi aku belum biasa begitu.
Kadang-kadang lebih mudah jika mereka kata, "I busy sekarang. Lain kali boleh." Aku dah biasa dengan rejection. Masa muda dulu banyak kali kena dump.
Kemudian aku kena dapatkan details dan foto mereka untuk bikin poster. Aku betulkan typos dan hantar ke proofreader untuk last check. Then, bagi kepada designer.
Bos aku, @cabiharusdirejam akan buat jadual dan approvekan design poster.
Kemudian kita buat audio dan video check. Kalau perlu, aku bagi tutorial "how to go live on FB Terang." Masa test tu, aku bagi signal kat ruang komen sama ada audio dan video cun atau tidak. Paling tak dapat dibantu jika line talent cuma satu bar. Terpaksa go back to square one.
24 jam sebelum show, kami remind artis. 1 jam sebelum show, remind dia untuk pakai mekap. Bedak sikit. 5 minit, bagitau dia ready for Action!
1 minit, action! Aku bagi signal via whatsapp. Dia akan tulis caption dan hit go live button.
Masa live, aku monitor video. Kalau dia atau audien mencarut, aku bagi kad kuning. Sambil tu aku tanya soalan2 cepuemas biar dia gelabah sikit. Dan ingatkan timing agar tak overrun.
When done, aku communicate dengan dia tentang show. Apa yang best. Apa yang tidak. Aku ucapkan terimakasih kerana ambil bahagian
Semua ni dibuat dengan komunikasi jarak jauh dan non-profit moneywise untuk semua pihak.
Ini baru part stage management, belum pemasaran lagi. Banyak nak cerita. Kita simpan hari lain. Berdedikasi aku kerja (ungkit ni). Gembira bikin kerja, tapi rabak penat.
Benda paling best adalah belajar tentang online event organization. Pengalaman handling Maskara (malam sindiket soljah) dan JBWRF (jb writers readers fest) banyak membantu tapi tidak cukup. Aku juga belajar dari crew dan talents. Ilmu daripada manusia lain latarbelakang ni rare. Thank you for sharing.
Petang ni kita ada:
5pm Fraja Béha - bersenam di kota besar
6pm Amir Shahlan - bikin dokumentari
5pm Fraja Béha - bersenam di kota besar
6pm Amir Shahlan - bikin dokumentari
Korang pun bukan buat apa. Live atau tertunda, tonton la wooiiiiiii.
Talent Casting
Kriteria utama
1) ada good internet connection wifi / 4G. 3G?
2) sudi berkongsi
3) commited kepada guideline (soundcheck/live on time/ no hate speech)
Jika kriteria di atas lengkap, dapatkan maklumat.
*Talent for Terang vol 4. 8-22 April 2020*
Tel: +601
FB: (required)
Self-intro (2-3 sentences) :
Topic (2-3 sentences) :
1) ada good internet connection wifi / 4G. 3G?
2) sudi berkongsi
3) commited kepada guideline (soundcheck/live on time/ no hate speech)
Jika kriteria di atas lengkap, dapatkan maklumat.
*Talent for Terang vol 4. 8-22 April 2020*
Tel: +601
FB: (required)
Self-intro (2-3 sentences) :
Topic (2-3 sentences) :
Ahad, April 12, 2020
Soundcheck Guidelines
1. Please accept Terang invitation to appoint you as Editor. This will enable you to Go Live on Terang page.
2. The video and soundcheck will take 5-15 minutes.
3. During the soundcheck, you introduce yourself and share what you will do during the show. If time permits, give a sample teaser for your show.
4. We'll assist you through the comment section by informing you about the timing and the quality of video and audio.
Best Handphone setting for FB live session:
1. Use Wifi. If you do not have access to strong wifi, choose 4G.
2. Set your phone to auto rotate before going live. We prefer landscape mode.
3. You may also do a test run on your own personal FB, just to get a feel of it.
4. Kindly put #TERANG2020 #TemasyaRangkaian SOUNDCHECK with *artist name*
That's it. All the best!
1. Please accept Terang invitation to appoint you as Editor. This will enable you to Go Live on Terang page.
2. The video and soundcheck will take 5-15 minutes.
3. During the soundcheck, you introduce yourself and share what you will do during the show. If time permits, give a sample teaser for your show.
4. We'll assist you through the comment section by informing you about the timing and the quality of video and audio.
Best Handphone setting for FB live session:
1. Use Wifi. If you do not have access to strong wifi, choose 4G.
2. Set your phone to auto rotate before going live. We prefer landscape mode.
3. You may also do a test run on your own personal FB, just to get a feel of it.
4. Kindly put #TERANG2020 #TemasyaRangkaian SOUNDCHECK with *artist name*
That's it. All the best!
Connection Issue While Going Live
If your internet connection slow. Use "manual network search". Choose manual between 3G @ H only. *OR* 4g @ LTE only. If u use automode your cellphone with detect nearest network and the connection maybe interrupt when you go live.
What's Terang
TERANG is an online festival that celebrates the arts beyond the boundaries of space. The name comes from the combination of two words. Temasya Rangkaian, which translates to Festival of Network. In Malay, the word _terang_ also means "bright"and " explain". This will be the third edition of TERANG.
We look forward for all performances, presentations, workshops and sharing sessions for this edition of TERANG. If you'd like to watch past live sessions, head over to Terang's facebook page (facebook.com/temasyarangkaian).
I hope everyone will have as much fun as we do. Let us know if there's anything we could improve. Have a great night! ♥
We look forward for all performances, presentations, workshops and sharing sessions for this edition of TERANG. If you'd like to watch past live sessions, head over to Terang's facebook page (facebook.com/temasyarangkaian).
I hope everyone will have as much fun as we do. Let us know if there's anything we could improve. Have a great night! ♥
Terang Guideline
Greetings to all. Thank you for your interest in contributing to TERANG #TemasyaRangkaian (Network Festival). Listed here are the guidelines for the festival, along with its terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions:
Every artist will be given access to TERANG page as an Admin. This access is only given for each artist's live slot. You are forbidden from using the page to post a status update or other unrelated content.
2. Each artist has to use TERANGFacebook page for his/her slot. Kindly ensure this before going on live to avoid confusion.
3. Head Admin of TERANG will monitor all program using a pc, to share and tag each artist’s personal FB account.
4. All artists have to make sure that their slot starts on time according to the given schedule. The intended duration is 30 minutes minimum and 45 minutes maximum. An extra 15 minutes are given for preparation and to solve technical issues (if there's any)
5. If you need some extra time, kindly refer to the Head Admin to amend the schedule.
6. Ensure that your internet is stable with at least 3G+ connection to avoid broadcast disruption.
TERANG is a project intended to shine a light for everyone by highlighting talents, creativity, love and care. DO NOT say anything hateful. NO POLITICS, NO RACISM, NO HOMOPHOBIA & NO FASCISM.
8. TERANG celebrates the network of artists during restricted movement order (RMO) where creatives lose their source of income due to cancelled performances etc and focus on easing the public worries in regards to Covid-19. This is a platform to freely express in a healthy and positive way. Use it well.
9. Positive reaction towards TERANG depends on your performances. Make sure that you present yourself readily, professionally and in great enthusiasm.
10. Refer to the "Guidelines for Artists" before going live.
-Log in to your personal facebook account
-Go to "Page”,
-Click "Click TERANG : Temasya Rangkaian"
-Click "Create Post"
-Click "Go Live"
- Insert Title & Description (Refer *GUIDELINE FOR TITLE & DESCRIPTION*)
Title : TERANG Vol.2 - “Personal title” with “insert your name here”
(E:g : Terang - Acoustic session with Caki)
Description : (insert your description about your live show include following hashtag) #terang #terang2020 #temasyarangkaian #stayhome #kitajagakita)
(E:g : Today we will learn on how to make involvement with family members to join in co-operation process of making an organic garden at home. #terang #terang2020 #temasyarangkaian #stayhome #kitajagakita)
-Now you’re ready to roll!
1. Opening speech
TERANG is an online festival that celebrates art beyond the boundaries of space, utilizing the internet to bring creatives together.
TERANG is a combination of the word Temasya Rangkaian. This translates to Festival of Network. In Bahasa, the word TERANG also means bright.
2. Greetings
3. Introduce yourself
4. Start with the performance
5. Closing words
If there are questions or suggestions, kindly leave your comment at the comment section
Thank you for watching TERANG, Temasya Rangkaian.
We hope TERANG shines a light to your home, wherever you are now.
Stay home. Together, we can do this. #stayhome
Greetings to all. Thank you for your interest in contributing to TERANG #TemasyaRangkaian (Network Festival). Listed here are the guidelines for the festival, along with its terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions:
Every artist will be given access to TERANG page as an Admin. This access is only given for each artist's live slot. You are forbidden from using the page to post a status update or other unrelated content.
2. Each artist has to use TERANGFacebook page for his/her slot. Kindly ensure this before going on live to avoid confusion.
3. Head Admin of TERANG will monitor all program using a pc, to share and tag each artist’s personal FB account.
4. All artists have to make sure that their slot starts on time according to the given schedule. The intended duration is 30 minutes minimum and 45 minutes maximum. An extra 15 minutes are given for preparation and to solve technical issues (if there's any)
5. If you need some extra time, kindly refer to the Head Admin to amend the schedule.
6. Ensure that your internet is stable with at least 3G+ connection to avoid broadcast disruption.
TERANG is a project intended to shine a light for everyone by highlighting talents, creativity, love and care. DO NOT say anything hateful. NO POLITICS, NO RACISM, NO HOMOPHOBIA & NO FASCISM.
8. TERANG celebrates the network of artists during restricted movement order (RMO) where creatives lose their source of income due to cancelled performances etc and focus on easing the public worries in regards to Covid-19. This is a platform to freely express in a healthy and positive way. Use it well.
9. Positive reaction towards TERANG depends on your performances. Make sure that you present yourself readily, professionally and in great enthusiasm.
10. Refer to the "Guidelines for Artists" before going live.
-Log in to your personal facebook account
-Go to "Page”,
-Click "Click TERANG : Temasya Rangkaian"
-Click "Create Post"
-Click "Go Live"
- Insert Title & Description (Refer *GUIDELINE FOR TITLE & DESCRIPTION*)
Title : TERANG Vol.2 - “Personal title” with “insert your name here”
(E:g : Terang - Acoustic session with Caki)
Description : (insert your description about your live show include following hashtag) #terang #terang2020 #temasyarangkaian #stayhome #kitajagakita)
(E:g : Today we will learn on how to make involvement with family members to join in co-operation process of making an organic garden at home. #terang #terang2020 #temasyarangkaian #stayhome #kitajagakita)
-Now you’re ready to roll!
1. Opening speech
TERANG is an online festival that celebrates art beyond the boundaries of space, utilizing the internet to bring creatives together.
TERANG is a combination of the word Temasya Rangkaian. This translates to Festival of Network. In Bahasa, the word TERANG also means bright.
2. Greetings
3. Introduce yourself
4. Start with the performance
5. Closing words
If there are questions or suggestions, kindly leave your comment at the comment section
Thank you for watching TERANG, Temasya Rangkaian.
We hope TERANG shines a light to your home, wherever you are now.
Stay home. Together, we can do this. #stayhome
Catatan (Atom)
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