Ahad, April 12, 2020

Soundcheck Guidelines


1. Please accept Terang invitation to appoint you as Editor. This will enable you to Go Live on Terang page.

2. The video and soundcheck will take 5-15 minutes.

3. During the soundcheck, you introduce yourself and share what you will do during the show. If time permits, give a sample teaser for your show.

4. We'll assist you through the comment section by informing you about the timing and the quality of video and audio.

Best Handphone setting for FB live session:
1. Use Wifi. If you do not have access to strong wifi, choose 4G.

2. Set your phone to auto rotate before going live. We prefer landscape  mode.

3. You may also do a test run on your own personal FB, just to get a feel of it.

4. Kindly put #TERANG2020 #TemasyaRangkaian SOUNDCHECK with *artist name*

That's it. All the best!

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