Cukup-cukup la riuh gaji 1.2 juta kakitangan awam akan naik. Kakitangan swasta menikmati laba berlipat ganda, diam sahaja ikut resmi ubi.
Pemerintah tidak habis-habis memerah jus dari secebis berita ini. Media pula mempromosinya besar-besaran di muka depan akhbar. Kejadiannya belum lagi, hebohnya macam durian runtuh hari-hari. Seolah-olah aku boleh tukar kereta kepada kereta kebal pula selepas ini. Berita kecil yang diperbesar-besarkan akan mengundang padah kepada kakitangan kerajaan juga akhirnya nanti. Kalau nak siar juga berita tu, letakkan jauh di muka dalam sebelah keputusan nombor ekor mungkin.
Ingat, gaji naik sekali, tetapi harga barang naik berjuta-juta kali.
There are literally dozens of tools for downloading videos from YouTube and/or converting those YouTube videos to some format other than .flv. It’s hard to pick the best one, as they all have pluses and minuses. Thus, we’ve chosen 23 YouTube downloader tools we’ve found to be actually working. Here they are, categorized according to the platform they work on:
Web based
1. YouTubeX doesn’t have a lot of options, but it’s simple, and it works. It also enables you to share the YouTube video with your friends via e-mail. Unfortunately, all the files are called get_video, and you have to add the .flv extension manually.
2. KeepVid is another simple site. No hassle, works not only for YouTube movies but for a number of other sites, including Google Video, MySpace Video, DailyMotion and others. Again, you have to add the .flv extension by hand.
3. VideoDownloader is very similar to KeepVid, but supports even more video sharing sites, and it’s also available as a Firefox extension. Just like with KeepVid, all downloads are in .flv format. We recommend MediaCoder for free conversion.
4. YouTube Downloads takes the cake in the longest domain name contest. It also separates itself by using a proxy for downloading videos, which means that you might be able to get videos even if YouTube access is blocked at your workplace or in the country you live. Just search Google for YouTube videos, and copy/paste the URL into YouTube Downloads.
5. Zamzar is an online file format conversion site which can do a lot more than just converting YouTube videos to another format and downloading them to your hard drive, but it’s doing a great job so we had to include it here. Thoroughly tested by us and highly recommended. See the video of it in action here.
Tips taken from:
Jumaat, Mei 11, 2007
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9 ulasan:
ya, betul. Harga berus gigi juga akan naik berlipatkali ganda. Begitu juga harga pencuci muka. Tp macamana plak ngan gaji pekerja swasta cam aku, korang dan diorang?
yer yer, naik sekali dlm 10 tahun...
Gaji naik, harga barang naik, darah pun naik
ko jgn,
union aku pun tgh fight gak nih.
kalo gomen naik byk,
at least bargain power kitorang tambah kuat..
Dok tunggu barang-barang ikut resmi graviti; yang naik mesti turun.
Tapi gaji jangan pula ikut juga.
pangkah la lagi, pangkah.
by the way, abistu tok, site mana yg paling mudah nak download YouTube??? malehnyiaaaaa nak cuba satu-satu. tenchu.
tok tok ya ya zamzar sgt bagus!
orrrr... was it you who suggested in my comment box??
hehehe...thanks Tok. Saya masih tertunggu2 sambungan cerita novel tu. Kisah di asrama.
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