Is this Bak's place?
No, this is Tengku's.
Then Bak came out of the grand palace.
Bak, they don't know you.
Yes. We have different security guards everyday.
Oh! I see.
Where's your girlfriend?
She stood me up.
Too bad. You are all dressed up.[grin]
Yeah. Too bad.Stupid me.[long pause] But, we can still go out for dinner. Let's go.
My mother requests that you have dinner with us. Come, I introduce you to her.
So we went into the palace. There, the mother sat. Masjetic. Dining alone. Two butlers waited the table. She asked us to join her. We chatted and dined for almost two hours. Then the mother left for her room to retire. She climbed the stair and disappeared.
Let me show you around the palace.
Dining hall. Swimming pool. Basketball court. Six cars in the garage.
Isnin, Ogos 27, 2007
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8 ulasan:
aku silap masuk blog ker?
Sorry, this entry is heavily coded. I just have to get it out of my chest.
Typo. Majestic.
Sounds like something in the context of 'Penarik Beca' la Tok Rimau. He he.
Typo. Dah lama tak menulis in BI. Ini sebenarnya pengaruh Kam Raslan's Dato' Hamid.
Saya masih menunggu senaskah (betul ke ejaan naskah tu? ke naskhah yang betul?) buku Dato' Hamid di sini.
Lambat betul la.
Saya sungguh teruja dengan cerita mengenai Dato' Hamid dalam Off the Edge. Rasa agak kecewa apabila mendapati bahawa dia adalah karektor fiksyen (walau pun jauh di sudut fikiran saya ada juga terasa yang tidak mungkin dia wujud).
Walaubagaimana pun, saya berharap Tok berasa lega apabila sudah melepaskan yang terbuku di dada.
Bak mai sat
tham mai ther beb ni, mai tong kuam sau na !!
tok marah lagi ke kat dia... dia tak sengaja tuh, (^_^)
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