Selasa, Mei 18, 2010


Gambar Hiasan

Maskara Shorties is an outdoor film festival screening short films made by seasoned and fresh filmmakers. It is not a competition as we want to encourage limitless creativity among filmmakers.

Maskara Shorties 2009
Maskara Shorties 2008

Coming soon:
MASKARA SHORTIES AUG 7, 2010. Rumah Pena, Kuala Lumpur

Submission Requirements:
1. Films must have been submitted before July. 14, 2010
2. All non-Malay/English films must have Malay/English sub-titles.
3. Films must be submitted on DVD.
4. DVD should be labeled with the title, running-time and contact email and phone number.
5. You MUST email us stills or press kits. a) Filmmaker Biodata + photo b) Film Title c) Poster e) Set Photos f) Et Cetera
6. Sol-jah reserves the rights to use DVD and press materials from the film for promotional purposes.
7. Sol-jah is permitted to retain DVD copies of each film selected as part of our festival library and for media educational use.
8. You are encouraged to upload a trailer or clip of your film on youtube.
9. You may submit more than one film, but each one must be on a separate DVD.
10. If you would like to make sure that we received your submission, please enclose a self-address, stamped postcard which we will send back to you as your confirmation.
11. No fee for submission.
12. There won't be any winners and losers as Maskara Shorties is not a competition.
13. The running time of your film MUST be 10 minutes or less.

Films must be postmark by the following deadline:
• Deadline – July 14, 2010
• Maskara Shorties – August 7, 2010. 8pm. Rumah Pena, Kuala Lumpur.

1. Film selection for the Festival will be made by the Festival Committee.
2. We dictate no specific themes. Be creative.
3. We cannot be held liable for DVD which may be lost or damaged.

Send Materials To:
Dean Sham
44-1 Jalan 8/23E Taman Danau Kota
Off Jalan Genting Klang
53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur

tel: 4143 6180

e-mail: deansham@gmail(dot)com

1 ulasan:

nmz berkata...

masa birthday saya maskara kali ini
nak datang


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