Selasa, Mac 13, 2012


ART FOR GRABS - Colourful Assembly
Arts & Craft Bazaar, Launching, Concert, Screening and much more...
March 2012, Sat 24 & Sun 25 | 12 - 8pm
Admission Free!

YELLOW MALAYSIANS HAVE ASSEMBLED. Green Malaysians have assembled. Rainbow Malaysians tried to assemble. And Purple Malaysians are assembling. Where would Malaysia be if colours stayed in the closet? Come celebrate all the different ways colours can assemble at The Annexe Gallery's popular art bazaar cum fringe fest.

Check out our 50 colourful arty crafty booths, including those of Jerome Kugan, Carolyn Joan Lau, Buku Fixi, Bibichun, They, Nizam Abdullah, Distrobuku, I Heart Badges, and also many Art For Grabs virgins. The free booths sponsored by Annexe Gallery for our favourite causes include Gerai Orang Asli, Pawsome animal shelter, Raleigh International, Ecopalooza, Tanma Federation (of Burmese refugee women groups) plus the Gentle Birthing Group up in the loft with an alternative delivery method and philosophy for moms!

Sat 12pm
24 March

Pelancaran Buku & 3 Filem Pendek
KOPI ialah kumpulan 19 cerpen Fixi yang diilhamkan oleh minuman yang adiktif ini. Ada yang manis, ada yang pahit, dan sudah pasti ada yang kaw-kaw. Turut akan ditayang ialah 3 filem pendek yang berdasarkan cerpen-cerpen dalam buku ini: Kopi 3 Rasa (cerpen Shaz Johar, arahan Nazri M Annuar) Kopi Percik (cerpen Amal Hamsan, arahan Azizul Hakim) dan Kopi dan Dia (cerpen Syaihan Syafiq, arahan Fikri Jermadi). You're guaranteed to stay awake, because there's free espresso sponsored by Coffex Coffee Malaysia!

Saksikanlah lakonan gua dalam babak adengan ranjang dalam filem KOPI 3 RASA. :-)


“Kalau boleh ambik hari ni.” Itu ayat yang menjerat aku. Jam 5 petang sebelum berbuka, aku singgah rumah Joren. Joren sedang sibuk berkemas...