Khamis, Jun 10, 2010

KL Alternative Bookfest

Once again, everybody’s favourite art and craft bazaar combines forces with everybody’s favourite alternative bookfest. Be stimulated, challenged and placated: Malaysia may be overrun with fools, but here you won’t meet them. Instead, you’ll meet smart, savvy, sexy people. Mostly.
Watch this space for more updates!

Sat 12 Jun

“ROJAK” by Amir Muhammad + “TAPAI” by Hishamuddin Rais
Book Launch & Reading
ZI Publications presents the launch of two delicious books by two of Malaysia’s wittiest writers. “Rojak” is Amir’s first ever collection of (very) short stories, complete with illustrations by Chin Yew. It’s tart and crunchy, sweet and spicy, and saucy and juicy, just like its namesake dish. “Tapai” on the other hand collects Hishamuddin’s sardonic and erudite food column features published in Off The Edge magazine, guaranteed to whet your appetite for more than mere nutrition.

“WITHOUT ANCHOVIES” by Chua Kok Yee + “DAYS OF CHANGE” by Chuah Guat Eng
Book Launch & Reading
“Without Anchovies” (Silverfish) is the debut collection of short stories by Chuah Kok Yee, first featured in the anthology “News From Home”. He tantalises us with his collection of modern Malaysian tales of armed robberies, fanatical school prefects, vampires, werewolves and the recipe for good nasi lemak sambal. Chuah Guat Eng continues her acclaimed novel “Echoes Of Silence” with its sequel “Days Of Change” (Holograms), which follows narrator Hafiz as he struggles to regain his memory after a fall. Unable to talk to a psychiatrist, he uses the I Ching, the Chinese 'book of changes' to trigger his memory. Through Hafiz's memories, thoughts, and dreams, “Days Of Change” provides glimpses of the socio-political changes and ethical challenges Malaysians have had to cope with since Independence.

PopIN: PopOUT: PM PM! PopMuda Proposals for Prime Minister
This event will feature thought-provoking and hilarious presentations by creative, critical and innovative young Malaysians who have been featured PMs (PopMudas) on the PopIN info network! Expect to have your brains turned inside out, upside down and over the top by conceptual artists, angry activists, skinny jean-ed filmmakers and other people you want to dance with! Curated by Mark Teh and Rahmah Pauzi.

“28 HARI: JURNAL ROCK N’ ROLL” by Mohd Jayzuan
Book Launch & Music
Everyone eats shite to get ahead! In “28 Hari: Jurnal Rock n’ Roll” (Sang Freud Press) Jayzuan has written the story of his days touring the Peninsular Malaysia, with a guitar, a journal, and a broken heart. Using all his grifter know-how and silver-tongued devilry to survive, this is an adventure to understand himself, and the reason why he feels compelled to leave. To be launced by fellow muso Fathullah Luqman Yusuff, plus acoustic performances by D’Mamat, Ainul Aishah and Faan.

Zine Launch
For the first time in Malaysian history, a 10-zine launch! Includes the launches of: “Conscious #4”, “Innerview #4”, “Sampah Karat #3”, “Fragfrantik”, “Mosh #13”, “Pari-Pari Kertas” by Beeha, “Sisa Se Saat” by SisiSeni, “Frinzine” by Frinjan, “Asid” by Oxygen Media, and “Burgermpark” by Paradoks. The launch will be preceded by an oral history of zines in Malaysia by Nizang and bookended by a Q&A session.

“COLLECTED PLAYS, VOL.1” by Alfian Sa’at
Book Launch & Reading
“Collected Plays, Vol.1” (Ethos Books) bring together four plays by Alfian Sa'at and explore themes that have become a hallmark of the playwright's work: national identity, racial relations, and the resistance of individuals against authoritarian systems. In “The Optic Trilogy”, the surfacing of buried secrets and repressed memories profoundly alter the way a man and woman see each other. In “Fugitives”, the members of a family discover that their self-definition relies on their interactions with the 'outsiders' who exist beyond their comfort zones. In “Homesick”, a diasporic Singaporean family, quarantined during the SARS crisis, evaluate the meanings of home. And in “sex.violence.blood.gore”, the facade of a rigid, orderly society is peeled away to reveal intense and chaotic passions.

Sun 13 Jun

“WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW THAT YOU DON’T KNOW” by Centre For Independent Journalism
Film, Song & Dance

“SEMBANG KENCANG” by Fdaus Ahmad
Book Launch
(Uya-Unique Youth Association)!/event.php?eid=133933123287377&index=1

Book Launch
(Fikrah Books & Konco ZUNAR)

“WARGA” by Azmyl Yunor
Music Performance
After a half-decade wait for a new release, singer songwriter Azmyl Yunor finally wipes the dust off his glasses and delivers his new album “Warga” (Troubadours), a triumphant and definitive musical statement by Malaysia’s most lovable and eloquent folkmeister.

Book Launch & Public Intellectual Forum
Institut Kajian Dasar and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung are proud to present the launch of Khalid Jaafar’s intriguing new book “Metafizik & Kosmopolitanisme”, to be officiated by YB Nurul Izzah Anwar, Lembah Pantai MP, with welcoming remarks by the author himself. To celebrate the launch, a forum entitled “Metaphysics & Cosmopolitanism” will be held, featuring a distinguished list of speakers including Eddin Khoo, Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa and Wan Ji Wan Hussin, with Hasmi Hashim moderating This will be followed by a reception in honour of the VIP guests.

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“Kalau boleh ambik hari ni.” Itu ayat yang menjerat aku. Jam 5 petang sebelum berbuka, aku singgah rumah Joren. Joren sedang sibuk berkemas...