It used to be, then it turned to and now it's Yahoogroups. Within less than two years the mailinglist service that I use to distribute my e-zine changes hands. And I got to inform the subscribers about the changes.But on 2nd thought, I don't think they care.
Lately my life has become a living hell. Too many things to do and so little time. I discover as expected, I know little about my job. Just today I took a proxy server and asked a programmer and 2 technicians to configure the servers. Do I know what is a proxy server? NO! Even the proggramer and the technicians failed to make me understand. Nevertheless, during my monthly report I will report to my superiors that I managed to install a proxy server in our building. They will say.. Proxy Server....? What the...whateverlah...but this new guy is really impressive! Yes fellow friends, I'm the shortsighted king thet rule the blinds!
Selasa, Januari 30, 2001
Rabu, Januari 24, 2001
Tried to organized a big event, online gathering of LTP subscribers but my notice of meeting was baunced back to me. Damn! I got to reschedule the gathering. My sister organized an open house eating feast. Her boyfriend came. I hate his gut. I wish I could kick his ass but I need to be polite to guest so I just ignore him. My brother serviced his car but after that he couldn't start his car. He mistakenly disorganized the spark plugs of his Datsun 120Y. Funny when we finally discovered the mistake. Nevertheless his cas seems to produce an explosion sound every 3 seconds.
Tried to organized a big event, online gathering of LTP subscribers but my notice of meeting was baunced back to me. Damn! I got to reschedule the gathering. My sister organized an open house eating feast. Her boyfriend came. I hate his gut. I wish I could kick his ass but I need to be polite to guest so I just ignore him. My brother serviced his car but after that he couldn't start his car. He mistakenly disorganized the spark plugs of his Datsun 120Y. Funny when we finally discovered the mistake. Nevertheless his cas seems to produce an explosion sound every 3 seconds.
Selasa, Januari 23, 2001
Top ten things I look for when choosing a house other than size and price.
1. Surau/Mosque
2. Neighbor
3. Nearby school
4. Extra parking space outside the fence of the house
5. Entry point from the main road
6. Sun setting and rising orientation
7. Away from flood (Hill area is a preference)
8. Nearby shops
9. History of the developer
10. Near to workplace.
Top ten things I look for when choosing a house other than size and price.
1. Surau/Mosque
2. Neighbor
3. Nearby school
4. Extra parking space outside the fence of the house
5. Entry point from the main road
6. Sun setting and rising orientation
7. Away from flood (Hill area is a preference)
8. Nearby shops
9. History of the developer
10. Near to workplace.
Isnin, Januari 22, 2001
I raed my own wrutings and found errors and typos...I'll not edit them. They are here to stay. Nobody cares, for all I know, I'm the only one who read my journals. If there are teachers of ESL outthere, aha..U have no power whatsover over me!
Back to today's topic. Notice this whenever you buy pirated VCDs, the beginning part of a VCD does not necessarily represents the whole. What the pirate did was..they insert an introduction of Dolby Stereao taken from a very fine DVD. Thus, just the first 3 minute introduction is crystal clear and the second part of the the VCD is just crap taken in a cinema. If you really need to test the VCD, it's save to view DIsc 2 of the package not disc 1 where the intro is located. Enjoy your shopping. LOng live pirated VCDs!!!
I raed my own wrutings and found errors and typos...I'll not edit them. They are here to stay. Nobody cares, for all I know, I'm the only one who read my journals. If there are teachers of ESL outthere, aha..U have no power whatsover over me!
Back to today's topic. Notice this whenever you buy pirated VCDs, the beginning part of a VCD does not necessarily represents the whole. What the pirate did was..they insert an introduction of Dolby Stereao taken from a very fine DVD. Thus, just the first 3 minute introduction is crystal clear and the second part of the the VCD is just crap taken in a cinema. If you really need to test the VCD, it's save to view DIsc 2 of the package not disc 1 where the intro is located. Enjoy your shopping. LOng live pirated VCDs!!!
Khamis, Januari 18, 2001
Damn! I thought my new post would give me more free time. My in-tray is full of letters & memos calling for meeting. When will I get to play with the computers? Hopefully during this weekend. But they give me new office, PC, parking space access to other 10 pc's in the office after working hour and the photocopy machine. In my latest meeting I asked for RM1000 scanner to be put on my table. They agreed without argument. It seems I power but I don't have time to play with my toys.
Selasa, Januari 16, 2001
I am given the responsibility to be the speaker for our community Marhaban group (Team of people that recite Choral Poetry about the Prophet). We visited houses, recite the poetry, I greeted the hosts, wish them happy hari raya. Ask for forgiveness of whatever wrong we did toward them. My speeches last night was simple and short. Why? I needed to finish the round early as Dr. Hassan Ali (Activist) was coming to the nearby housing estate. Some of my fellow neighbors can read me like a book. I was a little bit embarassed. I didn't want to be labeled as opposition extremist. We finished the round about 10.30pm. I rushed to my car and dash to the rally. The funny thing was, as I drove around to find a parking space, I saw my neighbors were doing the same. We are all supporters of Islamic based movement. My anxiety was just a waste of brain cell energy.
Isnin, Januari 15, 2001 the mahdzan family cyber portal
I found the website above. Very interesting. I wish i had time to come up with something like that for my family. I know enough to do it, just that I got no time. Just this morning I presented my 2 year job masterplan for my organisation in a meeting. I presented very fast and at the same time I leave some technical jargons enough to make them scratch their head and leave their mouth hanging. I hope they buy my bluff. FYI, i can do the whole planning within 6 months. My strategy, if later on I produce more than I plan...I'll be looked at as a Superman! More bonus maybe :)
I found the website above. Very interesting. I wish i had time to come up with something like that for my family. I know enough to do it, just that I got no time. Just this morning I presented my 2 year job masterplan for my organisation in a meeting. I presented very fast and at the same time I leave some technical jargons enough to make them scratch their head and leave their mouth hanging. I hope they buy my bluff. FYI, i can do the whole planning within 6 months. My strategy, if later on I produce more than I plan...I'll be looked at as a Superman! More bonus maybe :)
Ahad, Januari 14, 2001
I entered the double storey house of one of the siblings of deputy ministers. The house was nicely decorated with expensive decors. Expensive is a little bit subjective, let's just say I can't afford to buy those things thus they are expensive. I was there because of the host open house invitation. I ate roti jala (I notice I like to talk about food in my log). The other guests had left and I got special treatment from the host. We conversed about today's business climate and UMNO's problems. He's an UMNO but he complained a lot about its leaderships. Here are some juicy predictions & comments from him: 1) Hishammudin time has come. He'll dbe ropped from certain important post. 2) Abdullah needs to control Najib, Tyson and Muhyidin in order to control UMNo. 3) Dr. M is not afraid of PAS and Keadilan but he's more afraid of the UMNO sharks that are waiting for the time he steps down from the thrown. 4) malay unity meeting with PAs is UMNO's trap. And at 5.00 pm, I left the house with full stomach.
Don't forget to visit my favourite site. Pump up the site's counter baby!
I entered the double storey house of one of the siblings of deputy ministers. The house was nicely decorated with expensive decors. Expensive is a little bit subjective, let's just say I can't afford to buy those things thus they are expensive. I was there because of the host open house invitation. I ate roti jala (I notice I like to talk about food in my log). The other guests had left and I got special treatment from the host. We conversed about today's business climate and UMNO's problems. He's an UMNO but he complained a lot about its leaderships. Here are some juicy predictions & comments from him: 1) Hishammudin time has come. He'll dbe ropped from certain important post. 2) Abdullah needs to control Najib, Tyson and Muhyidin in order to control UMNo. 3) Dr. M is not afraid of PAS and Keadilan but he's more afraid of the UMNO sharks that are waiting for the time he steps down from the thrown. 4) malay unity meeting with PAs is UMNO's trap. And at 5.00 pm, I left the house with full stomach.
Don't forget to visit my favourite site. Pump up the site's counter baby!
Sabtu, Januari 13, 2001
It was 3.15 p.m., the sate (BBQ chicken cubes on bamboo stick) was late. Better late than never. I despatched the whole $150 worth of sate to the feast hall. We listened to Hari Raya speech by the Dept. Hari Raya Gathering Director. We started eating.So much food ..sate..laksa..cakes...noodles..cookies...air basuh tangan...etc. Enough to feed an army! I had a meeting, so I just ate for 30 minutes...pity me. There must be leftovers by the time I finish the meeting, I thought. At 5.00 p.m. the Director came to my meeting room and asked me to return the empty sate containers to the supplier. Where's the sate..there's no more... thought I saw a lot. The Director smiled, "Obviously you collegues tupperwarized (tapau) the whole food ration. Enough for them to organize a private open house at home!" Should have taken the food when I left the Feast Hall.
Jumaat, Januari 12, 2001
In the whole month of Syawal, the community at my housing estate (somewhere in Johor) conduct Marhaban. What is Marhaban? Well, it's a Choral Poetry of the Prophet Mohammad. We go from one house to another reciting the poem in melody (unplugged). At the same time the representative of the delegate would wish Happy Hari Raya to the hosts. We also ask for forgiveness if we've done anything wrong to the host. As usual, I sometimes give the speech on behalf of the delegates. Last night in my opening speech, I said to the host and 30 over crowd "Wear Islam in all our activities!". One of the crowd replied with takbir in the convention of the opposition party crowd war cry. I look at him and smile.
Khamis, Januari 11, 2001
Catatan (Atom)
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