Khamis, Jun 15, 2006


Angin satu badan seluruh rakyat Singapura yang kiasu apabila mendapati saluran RTM menjadi kabur. Bola di padang nampak macam berbalam-balam. Nampaknya mereka kena bayar juga untuk menonton Piala Dunia.

Di Singapura, tiada yang percuma lagi. Ya, di Singapura, tiada siaran langsung Piala Dunia percuma.

Mereka yang kiasu ini mengharap kepada RTM untuk bekalan hiburan Piala Dunia dan drama-drama Melayu seperti Gerak Khas. Tetapi, secara tiba-tiba signal RTM jadi lemah bila musim Pila Dunia sampai.

Mula-mula mereka tuduh Starhub (1) yang menyekat signal dari RTM. Tetapi akhirnya RTM buat makluman, RTM sendiri yang menyekat signal dari sampai ke Singapura.

Padan muka Singapura? Pandainya RTM?

Aku fikir sebaliknya.

RTM perlu mengambil peluang dari situasi ini untuk memberi pendapatan kepada negara. RTM mesti berganjak dari paradigma politik nasionalisma dendam yang sempit kepada kekentalan mental bahawa bola itu perniagaan.

Polisi Indonesia, Singapura, Brunei dan Thailand dalam sebaran media adalah lebih tepat. Mereka biarkan sahaja negara jiran menonton rancangan mereka. Siapa yang untung bila orang Johor, suka sangat dengan Taufik Batisha (Singapore Idol)? Tentunya Singapura.

Secara tidak langsung budaya dan nilai negara mereka meresap ke negara jiran. Meresap banget. Lagu-lagu mereka pun jadi ngetop di negara jiran. Eh... aku terngomong Indonesia pula. Ini banyak sangat nonton TVRI punya pasal.

Kembali kepada isu asal.

Justeru, kalau kita pemurah biarkan Singapura menonton Siaran Langsung Piala Dunia (dan Gerak Khas) secara percuma, eksport dan jualan Power Root Tongkat Ali (2) Malaysia ke Singapura akan meningkat. Harus!

Nota kaki:
1) Starhub: Pembekal siaran berbayar Singapura.
2) Power Root: Penaja Siaran Langsung Piala Dunia untuk RTM.

Terimaksih kepada Buku Blog Ayah Kita Bos kerana menjadi penaja utama siaran langsung entri Tok Rimau secara percuma 24 jam sehari.

Yes, RTM scrambled the telecast
Viewers annoyed over 'shaky' RTM shows

20 ulasan:

Tok Rimau berkata...

THE STAR: Thursday June 15, 2006

Yes, RTM scrambled the telecast

IT’S official – Singaporeans are not entitled view to the 2006 World Cup matches telecast over RTM1 because RTM is bound by FIFA's regulation on broadcasting rights.

Utusan Malaysia reported that RTM director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Hamid clarified that RTM's “shaky” transmission was deliberate.

It had “modified the transmission system so that neighbouring countries would not be able to view the football matches.

“The Government spent a lot to get the right to broadcast the matches for Malaysians, and if Singaporeans want to view the matches, they would have to do the same,” he said.

Abdul Rahman was commenting on a Bernama report stating that soccer fans in the republic were upset over RTM1's (StarHub Channel 39) scrambled telecast, because they could view RTM1 clearly prior to the World Cup.

This situation will prevail till the World Cup ends.

Commenting further, Abdul Rahman said the Government paid RM11.5mil to obtain the right to broadcast 47 matches live and it was illogical for Singaporeans to blame RTM for the poor transmission.

Tok Rimau berkata...


Wah! So grainy!
Viewers annoyed over 'shaky' RTM shows

WHY mess with my RTM 1 channel?
That was the question that some irate Singapore viewers asked when they switched on their TV sets and found grainy, shaky pictures on the Malaysian channel.

Soccer fans aren't the only ones who feel unhappy. Regular RTM 1 viewers are also upset.

Both groups wrongly blamed StarHub for the poor transmission.

Picture: Kelvin Chng
One viewer, Mr Anwar K, told The New Paper that he thought the cable operator was behind the poor quality to earn more from its World Cup subscription.

Mr Anwar, 29, an insurance professional, said: 'This shouldn't have been done. Many people watch this channel for other programmes, not just for football.

'My mother enjoys the Malay dramas that are shown during the day. This is unfair to viewers like her.'

Soccer fan Isa Ahmad, a 53-year-old technician, was so upset that he called The New Paper. He uses his flat's wall socket to get reception on his TV.

He remained skeptical even after we told him StarHub was not to blame.

'I've been looking forward to this for so long. RTM has been advertising the matches and doing a countdown for months. Now I'll just watch whatever I can watch,' he said.

The viewers were later informed by The New Paper that the poor quality on RTM 1 was caused by scrambling of the satellite signal source by the Malaysian broadcaster itself, not StarHub.

Pub owners, who have to pay premium prices to show the matches, were also upset.

Clear live matches from RTM 1 would have meant a savings in StarHub's subscription costs. And, with pubs opting to install more TVs to provide for more customers, the savings would have been substantial.

Mr Dennis Foo, owner of Devils Bar, a popular hangout for football fans, has cut down on the number of screens in the three-storey club because of the costs.

Devils is well known to have the largest number of TV screens in a club.

Mr Foo said he's paying more than $20,000 for the World Cup season, double what he normally pays despite cutting down on the number of TV sets.

While he used to have five giant TV screens and 20 TV monitors, he said he is now using just four of the TV screens and four monitors. He has recently added two high-definition TVs (HDTVs).

'If it was an option to use the analog antenna (for the free RTM 1 telecasts), I would have added them instead of subtracting the number of screens.

'But I can't be having these rabbit ears all over the club, and the images wouldn't have been as clear. That's why I'm banking on the HDTVs for clarity.'

But there are some who are still relying on RTM 1 to air the matches.

Said Pat's Pub owner, Patricia Morais: 'I was paying about $450 a month already for cable TV, and now I have to pay extra for the World Cup. So I decided to cancel my subscription.

'I know I can get it free from RTM because during the last World Cup they were also airing the matches free.

'I'm getting someone to help me fix up an antenna to receive the signal.'

Alpha berkata...

Ada point jugak le argument tok tu...tapi kengkadang bagus jugak..depa banyak sangat berkira dengan kita, kita berkira balik, walaupun hanya siaran Piala Dunia.

Mister Ry berkata...

tukar siaran piala dunia RTM dengan jambatan.

amacam, ada berani? hehe

Keluarga Zulkarnain berkata...

Entah ya Tok..

Tapi pada waktu kami di Spore 10-13 June ini, kami masih bisa lihat world cup melalui RTM channel. Memang gambarnya agak "shaky" tapi masih cukup jelas kok.

Tapi point Tok tentang di Spore tak ada yang percuma dan org Spore kiasu itu memang benar..

Orang kencing aja kena bayar 10 cents! :D

Bunda Shafiya

Unknown berkata...

Salam Tok Rimau..salam sky frog..menarik sekali intipatinya.

sinaganaga berkata...

Kalau kencing di LawYat Plaza = 50 sen.
Ha ha.

Tok Rimau berkata...

Esok lusa seang kau tengok live Astro, hujan lebat pulak.

Rugi kau bayar. Siaran tak keluar.

Rie berkata...

biasa la tu RTM. yang kita tgk skarang pun tak visualnya pun xkualiti

ontahsapo berkata...

semakin kiasu lah mereka agaknya....errrr diorang takde kedai mamak ker...boleh tgk wc free....

akmj berkata...

saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan tok rimau terhadap 'stance' rtm...

hehe, jualan buku harus bermula sekarang :)

blackpurple @ jowopinter berkata...

Sekurang-kurangnya mereka masih boleh berbangga kerana mempunyai wakil di Piala Dunia. Walaupun sebagai pengadil.

wasabe berkata...

err... kiasu tu apa?

TQ tok, sudi bertandang dan 'link'kan blog saya...

test berkata...

sepatutnya dr dulu lagi dah buat bende nie, pasal isu taufiq tu aku setuju sgt dgn tok, bukan setakat itu je yg meresap masuk dr selatan nie tok, perangai anak muda byk dipengaruhi dr budaya tak reti menghormati org dari anak muda s'pore. maaf ye tok emo sket.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Tok boleh baca pemikiran orang? he..InsyaAllah dah sampai jodoh aku kawin ler yer... kalau aku jemput Tok dapat datang ker? Kat Sabah ni...

Unknown berkata...

bagi mereka yang tidak minat menonton bola, sudah di kira diskriminasi! sebab semua stesen tv cerita pasal bola!

Sayuti berkata...

rtm menjadi popular di negara sendiri sebab piala dunia.

sesuatu yang saya rasa amat menyedihkan.

Ron97 berkata...

RTM lebih dahulu mesti mempromosi dirinya kepada rakyat malaysia untuk menjadi stesen pilihan utama dengan peluang yang ada sekarang.

OP Zaharin berkata...

streaming ada. dorang layan online je hehe.

Sir Mute Key Chicks berkata...

erm..saper yang bodoh tuh?iskiskisk.tapi memang power root kurang ker kat singapore??


“Kalau boleh ambik hari ni.” Itu ayat yang menjerat aku. Jam 5 petang sebelum berbuka, aku singgah rumah Joren. Joren sedang sibuk berkemas...