Khamis, Januari 08, 2009

MALAYA: 500 Early Postcards


Saya mahu cadangan kalian sebuah buku. Membaca buku ini buat saya lebih peka kepada nilai-nilai sejarah di persekitaran saya. Saya mula pergi ke lokasi yang sama dan mengambil gambar bagi melihat perbezaan antara dulu dan sekarang.

Tajuk buku: MALAYA: 500 Early Postcards
Penulis: Cheah Jin Seng
Harga: RM100

Causeway, Johor Bahru 1925 vs 2008

Johor Causeway, 1925 (postcard)


Masjid Jamek, Kuala Lumpur 1920 vs 2008

Masjid Jamek, KL


The fifth film (BALO) was by far the most hilarious of all, portraying the life of an individual in a complex of cheap flats. This movie basically portrayed every single stereotype I could think of.

From the gossiping mak ciks, to the guy who thinks he's all high and mighty by asking criminals to make amends by writing an essay and returning his cash. However, it showed just how incredibly ridiculous the truth about Malaysians can be portrayed.

Seeing a person being helpful is somehow misconstrued as him having an affair.

How justice is dealt through mob mentality since the police have an SOP to determine the priority of investigating a case.

And even how the elevators in such apartments never seem to be working. Figures..

All in all I enjoyed this one the most for its freshness. Though after watching "Punggok Rindukan Bulan", I definitely wanted a less artsy portrayal of the life in a rundown flat complex.

... Taken From Filmmaker Anonymous

BALO will be shown again; at:
What: FA8 screening at Youth'09
When: Sunday January 11, 09
Time: 3pm - 5pm
Where: Creative Mafia, Mezzanine Flr, Tun Razak 1 Hall, Putra World Trade Center, KL. (take the LRT to PWTC station and cross the road)
Entry fee: FREE. as always. :)

(Psst, Sompek the thug will be there to answer all questions.)

4 ulasan:

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ berkata...

Sudah ada pass masuk ke sana..

Mau pergi~

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ berkata...

BTW, Nak tanya sikit Tok, kat mana bleh tengok citer "Punggok Rindukan Bulan" tu lagi?

dah terlepas hari tu~ -_-"

ada hadiah..meh ambil (

BuRuuj berkata...

owh...buku dh tgk time sesi promosi kt MHI. best!

bukan orang pinkish berkata...

elok untuk student archi..tok, gmbr pekan pilah yang lame ade tak?


“Kalau boleh ambik hari ni.” Itu ayat yang menjerat aku. Jam 5 petang sebelum berbuka, aku singgah rumah Joren. Joren sedang sibuk berkemas...