Selasa, Januari 06, 2009


One of the many routines that I have to deal with is answering tags from people. I've been tagged by this Harimau Pipi Merah, Princess Liyana. Here goes:
1. Do you think you’re hot?
Yes, compared to a lizard. 37 degree celcius.

2. Upload your favorite picture of you. Why do you like that picture?

The photo was taken for "sekadar gambar hiasan" of an article in NST.

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Last month.

5. The last song you listen to?
Jangan Lupakan- Nidji

7. What name you would prefer besides yours?
Panthera Tigris

8.People to tag:

9. Who is number one?
10. Number three is having a relationship with?
11. Say something about number five
12. how about number four?
For Q9-12, the answer is none of your business. ha ha ha.

9 ulasan:

bakrihafizhisham berkata...

baik tak payah tag macam ni tok!

Yana Ismail berkata...

hi hi hi..thanks kerana menjawab tag yg diarah oleh harimau pipi merah ;P

Lizard? wow. perbandingan yang tk bleh blah..ha ha ha..;P

Gambar tu nampak muda la tok..hi hi hi..celebrity la katakan..

rimau pipi merah (rau rau) ha ha ha.

tasekM berkata...

cara menjawab soalan no 9-12 tu yg aku suka tu... ha ha.


P.E.N.S.I.L L.A.N.G.I.T berkata...

tak abis tuh tok..
huk alos..


my real page: []

bukan orang pinkish berkata...

poyo jer gmbr tuh~

DeeN berkata...

HeHeHeee ...

K.O.N.T.R.A. K.I.R.I. berkata...

panthera tigris...perghh..dashyat tuh.

entah kenapa, tiba-tiba aku teringat dengan citer kartun Thundercats

Abdullah Mohd Nawi berkata...

luv the way u answered 9-12..

budakbarublaja berkata...

mcm tau je kat mana lokasi gambar yg tok amik tu...background pokok tin kat fppsm...agaknye lar sbb tengok gambar tu mcm dejavu pulak...


“Kalau boleh ambik hari ni.” Itu ayat yang menjerat aku. Jam 5 petang sebelum berbuka, aku singgah rumah Joren. Joren sedang sibuk berkemas...